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About Me

I wandered into my family as a 4th generation American Baha’i and 13th great grandson of Mayfower organizer and Plymouth Governor William Bradford.  My other half comes from Peru and I was born with the Mark of the Inka.  I lived in Bolivia and Peru when I was 20 and did the 4 day hike to Machu Picchu.  It was on that journey that I realized extraterrestrials were verifiably real!!!

I started writing Disclosure music in 2000 but realized I’d probably be killed if I released it, so I put if off til one day soon.  I’ve had 2 NDE’s where I’ve seen so much of what really happens to us.  Most shocking thing I’ve witnessed is that Angels are real.  Protected by the highest order!


Disclosure, Extraterrestrials, Hidden Technologies, Natural Medicine (Ayurveda), True History, NDE’s, Past Lives, Angels, other Dimensions.


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active 4 years, 7 months ago